Editorials of 19 Jul 2016 newspapers mentioned a warn of conservatives entry in the next year’s presidential elections, as well as subject the fate of the Nuclear Deal with the next President of the United States of America.
As for the news, the Iranian press focused politically on the availability of opportunities to nominate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for the presidency, newspapers also addressed Tehran proposal of trade operations with Russia with national currencies in order to avoid pressures of the US dollar.
Prominent Editorials
“Halting Inflation and the Need to Recession Recovery”, Editorial of Sharq newspaper presented today a new proposal to recover the economic crisis in Iran. According to Sharq, reducing inflation rate is not the perfect solution for the Iranian economic crisis. The rising inflation rates have become part of the Iranian Economy characteristics, and possibly, falling below 15% might hurt the economy. This editorial stressed that creating jobs is the perfect solution to the current economic crisis. It also wondered about the confused capitalists who started to ask for a lower interest rate, In addition to the destinations of investment of that money? Is the housing sector their best destination, In light of the high risk of this kind of direct investment such as fraud and embezzlement? Or investment in the stock market exchange, which leads to higher inflation rates and higher unemployment? The editorial suggests that the government has to stop the money leakage and detain that money, and invest them in safe investment sectors. Indeed, the editorial reflects the confusion in the Iranian economic policies and the lack of a comprehensive vision for economic reforms in Iran, which is probably not benefiting from the oil revenues because of corruption and lack of strict laws.
“Elections of 2017; High-risk and Gambling for Fundamentalists'” Alqanoun newspaper Editorial predicts the trends of the Iranian presidential elections, 2017. The editorial sees the impossibility of fundamentalists to reach a unanimous agreement on one single candidate. The talks about nominating Ahmadinejad against Hassan Rouhani were only to intimidate the reformers, who, on the contrary, will maintain their unity and strengthen their alliance with the moderate stream. According to the editorial, Ahmadinejad had never given an answer to any questions when he was president. He would rather respond by another question, which became known in Iran as Ahmadinejad’s trait. This method became unacceptable, and he cannot run the elections using the same strategies. The editorial says that the fundamentalists have only one-choice of two; the first is to combine their efforts with the nomination of a moderate person who has acceptance among the Iranian public opinion; the second is to prefer the interests of the nation over those of the party and competition, and support Rouhani as their best option.
“The Nuclear Deal is on Halt Until After the Presidential Elections in Iran and the US,” Averanch newspaper has established a vision today for the future of the Iranian nuclear deal. The editorial says that the future of this agreement is related to the two administrations to take office in both Iran and the United States after elections. According to the editorial, it has been six months since signing the nuclear deal. Iran is complaining of the slow process of abolition of sanctions. But, the United States in turn believes that it has implemented its commitments and abolished sanctions related to the Iranian nuclear program. Iran also complains of non-abolition of sanctions related to the banking transactions, and obstacles on insurance companies, especially oil tankers. The editorial insists that there is a psychological factor that hinders the economic transactions with Iran by the West.These concerns are supported by Donald Trump’s statement, one of the American candidates for presidential elections, when he pledged to repeal the nuclear agreement in case he takes office. On the other hand, the Iranian presidential elections might have a big influence on the implementation of the nuclear deal in case a conservative takes office, which means that the nuclear deal is highly related to the results of the presidential elections in both countries.
Prominent News
♦ The Iranian family savings Ability fell down 30%

“Abrar Eqtesadi” newspaper reported that the savings ability of the Iranian family has declined 30% since 2009 due to recession and the government inability to increase people’s income, which means a new level of poverty line in Iran. The newspaper added that, quoting from Mehr News Agency, the latest official statistics made by the government about the economic conditions, showed that in the past few years the purchasing power of people declined and nothing has been done to recover this situation by the government.
Source: Abrar Eqtesadi.
♦ Hashemi Rafsanjani did not exclude the return of Ahmadinejad to the political scene in Iran

Hashemi Rafsanjani recently declared that there is no concern about Ahmadinejad’s return back to power, and at the same time considered the possibility of his return.
Recently, the economic conditions in Iran are not very well; despite the government pledges that the signing of the Nuclear Deal will positively influence the Iranian economy and recover recession and unemployment problems. This leads to more concerns to the government than ever about the next four-year presidential term of the eleventh government.
This topic has become a concern for the parties, streams, analysts as well as previous and current political figures who now support Rouhani on all levels.
Some of those supporters were talking about the need of parliament formation along with the executive branch in order to solve the economic problems after the tenth parliament elections. They also demanded, after the results of the elections of February 26th, 2016, restructuring and transforming the economic team in the cabinet, saying: “Novbukht and Tayip Nia were a successful team in controlling inflation, but now, they should leave their positions to a new team that work on the economic openness.
In addition to the criticism raised by all Hassan Rouhani supporters on the economic policies of his government, Hashemi Rafsanjani’s criticism of those policies and recognizing the existence of recession and unemployment in the country is of great importance because he, earlier, heavily defended the eleventh government and its policies.
“Hashemi Rafsanjani,” recently stated, in a meeting with several members of the Central Council and Political Bureau of the Iranian Nation Union – the new version of the Participation Party- In his response about the concerns of the members of this party about the economic problems in the country, saying, “The economic team of the government should solve the triangle of inflation, recession and unemployment, which is the worst legacy left by the previous government.”
Describing the liquidity rate in the country as an avalanche can stifle the national production, when he said “We should use 900 thousand billion Tomans, which stifled the national production as an avalanche and take advantage of that money in the revival of production units, which will, In addition to reemploying workers who are laid off, create new jobs.”
Furthermore, Rafsanjani, in his criticism to the government on the unawareness of the monetary liquidity necessary for production improvement, he said, “Liquidity is like avalanche that sweeps and stifles the country, moreover, production doesn’t meet the people’s needs.”
Chairman of the Expediency also responded in this interview with a reformist newspaper about the fears of the government supporters on the possibility of Rouhani’s government stay in office for only one term, saying, “If all the political, economic, cultural and social businesses are headed within its planned procedures, Rouhani will not have any serious competitor in the upcoming elections.”
Rafsanjani also highlighted that, “There is no concern about Ahmadinejad’s return, people are aware of his policies during his eight years in office at all levels.”
At the same time, Rafsanjani did not consider Ahmadinejad’s return to power impossible and improbable, he stressed, “In politics, and in this country, we have seen events that were, logically, considered impossible, come about and become real.”
Source: Mehr news agency
♦ The stability of special operations of the Iranian Navy in the Gulf of Aden / no news about pirate attacks

Commander of the Iranian Navy, Habibollah Sayari, declared that the Iranian Navy has sailed thousands of kilometers beyond its borders, far across the sea. He added that the presence in the international arena needs modern sophisticated equipment, pointing out that if his country did not have up to date equipment, Iran couldn’t have been considered one of the most powerful nations in the world.
Sayari stated that the Caspian Sea is a symbol of peace and friendship. Its five overlooking countries must cooperate and establish security in the Caspian Sea and eliminate other countries’ ambitions to gain a foot there. He also pointed to the presence of Navy, group 41 in the Gulf of Aden, adding that special operations forces of the Iranian Navy are stationed at the edge of the Gulf of Aden, Bab el Mandeb and the Red Sea. Moreover, the Gulf of Aden now is stable and the ships they protect are secure and safe to sail, according to his statement.
The Commander of the Iranian Navy referred to the plan of Navy groups to visit ports of the Indian and the Atlantic oceans coasts once this plan is voted for during the current year. Moreover, the tour of the aforementioned groups, excluding those that are headed toward Aden aim to maintain safety and security of transportation lines of the country.
Source: Fares Agency.
♦ Iranian proposal to Russia to trade using their national currencies

The Director General of the International Affairs of the Iranian Central Bank, Hussein Yaqoubi Meyab, said that it is possible to hammer out an agreement between Iran and Russia in regard of exchanging and transferring money between the two sides in the national currencies of the two countries. This was discussed on the agenda of Meyab participation in the international economic complex in St. Petersburg. This step aims to conduct trade in the national currencies of the two countries, and reduce dependency of Iran and Russia on the US dollar.
The Director General of International Affairs also added that the Russian counterpart is currently studying this suggestion, and will present its views on this regard. In case the Russians agree on this proposal, both central banks will come up with an agreement, which is expected to in the near future.
Meyab also pointed out that Moscow and Tehran would benefit from this agreement, because of the low risk and the desire of Iran to hammer it out.
Source: Tasneem Agency.