Revolutionary Guards detained foreign citizens and the Kurdistan Democratic party declares war on Iran


– Ebticar newspaper criticizes the attempts of conservatives to impede Rouhani’s economic activities
– Arman calls for studying reasons of suicide in Iran

News Roundup
– The Kurdistan Democratic Party declares war on Iran’s regime
– A Malaysian investment project in Chapahar

Ebtikar Newspaper: Be a President without decision-making
An editorial in Tuesday’s ebtekar newspaper criticized fundamentalists’ attempts try to obstruct the economic activities of Rouhani’s government, accusing them of profiteering in order to preserve their own economic gains without regard to the Islamic Republic’s public interest, and of interfering in issues concerning distribution of state lands by Tehran’s mayor, as well as slamming them for rejecting the new oil agreements.
The editorial asserted that the fundamentalists don’t care if Iran is uncompetitive with its neighbours, preferring it to remain static, further alleging that the conservatives are covertly running an organized campaign of opposition against new oil agreements by the government by falsely accusing the government, particularly the oil minister, of profiteering and providing privileges to major international oil companies. Through their campaign, the fundamentalists aim to prevent capital entering Iran, the editorial alleges, adding that if successful these conspirators would then accuse Rouhani’s government of failing to do anything to solve the country’s economic crisis.
By forcing the government not to conduct deals with global banks, the editorialist asserts, this malevolent minority wishes to ensure that no benefit is obtained from the nuclear deal. The editorial accuses the ultra-conservative faction of being unafraid to turn the economic dreams of normal Iranian citizens into nightmares. The editorialist concludes by accusing the fundamentalists of telling Rouhani, in effect, that it will reject any decision “to clean the dust from Iran’s withered yellow face” and to improve the people’s economic situation until it has banished his administration easily and effortlessly.
A crucial aspect deliberately omitted by the editorialist from his tirade is that the fundamentalist “malevolent minority” it attacks is led by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Iranian regime and its main pillar. While the editorial talks as though the regime were good and benevolent with only a few rotten apples spoiling the barrel, the fact is that the fundamentalist faction is the core of the Iranian regime, with the reformists being effectively decorative accessories who will be discarded once they’ve served their political purpose.

Etimad Newspaper: Destructive societal discrimination
An editorial in Tuesday’s Etimad newspaper warns of the dangers of social discrimination and inequality in every area of life in Iran, even including the treatment of students at educational institutions.
The editorial asserts that inequality has become so normalized and all-pervasive that many Iranians don’t see it as a problem, although this unjust and discriminatory behavior is not only unacceptable but is having devastating consequences for Iranian society. The editorialist uses the analogy of a queue at a bakery, saying that if all the people queueing for bread were told that every person would receive one loaf each, that would be satisfactory to all; however if one greedy individual seizes whatever he wants and leaves nothing for the rest, this results in argument and chaos, making normally calm people angry and rebellious.
This sort of greed and discriminatory behavior has a similar effect on society, the editorialist continues, adding that people are being driven to desperation and becoming strangers to one another, creating hostility and hatred for fellow citizens. When there is a less extreme economic disparity, minor inequality can be an engine for progress and increased production, the editorialist states. He further recounts a story told by reformist Iranian intellectual Abbas Abdi about a teacher who changed a student’s seat in a classroom due to a request from friends of her influential father’s from the same political faction. After this, other students demanded similar seating changes, with one moving to sit next to a friend, leading to the girl previously sitting there being unhappy at also being moved. When the students complained to the teacher about the tensions in the class as a result of all the seating changes, they encountered a deaf ear, leading to further tensions and eventually to a confrontation between two of the students. At this point, the teacher told the influential official’s daughter, “Tell your father to resolve the issue.”
Citing this example as illustration of the dangers of nepotism and inequality, Abbas Abdi said that there’s a need to tackle all the instances of rampant societal discrimination and injustice in Iran, from educational opportunities to employment prospects and even to access to allocations of state-owned land, which are unavailable to those without the right connections, as the recent case of the Tehran mayor who illicitly gave land to family members showed.

Arman Newspaper: Despair at unemployment leads to suicide
An editorial in Tuesday’s Arman newspaper Arman newspaper focused on increasing rates of suicide in Iran, questioning the possible cause and pointing out that the annual number of suicides currently exceeds the number of executions. Calling for more studies into this subject, especially given the increase in suicides among young people, the editorialist suggested that young graduates, in particular, are driven to such acts of desperation by the lack of employment or business opportunities available to them which means they lose hopes of being able to marry and start a family. If these problems were experienced by everyone, the shame and sense of failure of those affected might be less and more effort might be taken to resolve them, the editorialist continues, but the endemic discrimination and social inequality afflicting Iranian society means that young men, in particular, are unjustly shamed for being unable to achieve what others only accomplish through nepotism or connections in government institutions. The editorial concluded that this inequality and widespread nepotism is a primary factor in increasing rates of suicide among young Iranians, adding that it’s now become a phenomenon affecting every area of the country.

♦ Forty Million USD; a Malaysian investment project in Chapahar free zone

Public Relations and International Affairs of the Free Industrial and Trade zone “Chapahar” reported that a delegation from the Malaysian “Peristma” company will be visiting chapahar to plan the investment project of steel plate production. The total amount of this investment ranges between 30-40 million dollars and a capacity of 200 thousand tons of steel plates every year. The Middle East and North African countries are the targets of this investment project, as revealed by the Malaysian company.
Source: Abrar Eghtisadi Newspaper

♦ The Kurdistan Democratic Party: War declared on Iran’s regime

Secretary General of Iran’s Kurdistan Democratic Party, Mustafa Hijry said that his forces have started a new stage of struggle and declared war on the Iranian regime.
Iran’s Kurdistan Democratic Party and other parties have been engaged in war with Iran for years. Their ultimate goal has been to enjoy an autonomy that guarantees them a national homeland to freely practice their social and cultural activities. Hijri also announced that his forces did not have the intention to go to war with Iran, but were obliged to after limiting their moves by the Iranian Governmental forces.
Some political organizations and other activists in Iran’s Kurdistan criticized the new tactics of the Democratic Party. They believe that this new strategy will be taken as an excuse by Iran to enforce the tightest security procedures on the political and social life and ban all civil activities in the region. In an interview with the Israeli Jerusalem post, Hijri said that Iran helps the enemies of Israel, Hamas, and Hezbollah, which paves gives Tel Aviv the right to assist the Iranian opposition organizations.
Three members of a cell belonging to Iran’s Kurdistan Party “Almanhal,” coming from North Iraq and led by Saied Aziz Nikojian killed and three others wounded in an Iranian armed forces ambush, according to the Iranian Raja Agency
Source: Raja Agency and BBC Site

♦ In his meeting with Assad: Ansari confirms the Iranian support to Syria

Iran’s Assistant Minister for Arabic and African affairs, Hussein Jabiri Ansari has met the Syrian president, Bashar Assad in Damascus. Ansari said that Iran is determined and committed to supporting Syria in the war on terrorism on all levels, asserting that America supports the ISIS, which is evident through the American air strikes against the Syrian army in Der Ezzor. Iranian, Russian, and the other friendly countries support to the Syrian people to counter terrorism, he added. The strong relations between Damascus and Tehran are not only limited to the common interests of the two countries, but also to the political view they share toward the threats facing people and future of the region, Ansari concluded.
Source: Iran Newspaper

♦ Zo Alnour: non-stop production of heavy water “Arak”

Head of the nuclear branch in the Foreign Policy and National Security Commission in the Parliament, Mujtabi Zo Alnour referred to the Commission Members’ visit to the Arak installation for heavy water saying, “We started with the factory of heavy water. The visit lasted for two hours and all our questions were responded to by managers and officials of the installation.” He added, “The process of producing heavy water and other activities in Arak installation has not stopped or changed at all after the nuclear deal. Things are going and will continue as usual.”
Source: Jam-e-Jam Newspaper

♦ Revolutionary Guards have detained American, British, Canadian, and Australian citizens in the Arab Gulf

Revolutionary Guards Navy commander, Ali Riza Tangsiri announced that his forces have detained American and British citizens twice, and Canadians and Australians once at Bandar Abbas in the Arabian Gulf. He underlined that Iranians consider the Gulf their home and defend it against foreign forces that come to this region.
In relevant remarks, Tangsiri said that Iran’s enemies cross thousands of miles to conduct military exercises in the region, and Tehran sends them messages to surrender, noting that his country is capable through cooperation with neighboring countries to secure the region and face any hostile movement through this cooperation, and unity between the army and revolutionary guards.
“Iran does not seek instability in the region but seeks to implement security through joint exercises with regional countries that can secure the Arabic Gulf against foreign hostility,” Tangsiri added.
Source: Tasnim Agency

♦ Su-22 revolutionary air fighters to participate in the naval exercises

The revolutionary Guards and Army Marine forces are conducting wide military exercises in the Arabian Gulf and Hormuz Strait. The Su-22 revolutionary air fighter will be deployed in exercises for the first time in an official event, in addition to the participation of the revolutionary EMB312 training airplane “Tucano”.
Source: Fares Agency

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