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Could the Republicans Stall a Nuclear Deal With Iran?

Pakistan-Iran Ties: Rhetorical or Transactional?

Iran-Taliban Disagreements Over IS-KP’s Increasing Foothold in Afghanistan

The Al-Durra Gas Field Crisis and Its Implications for Gulf-Iran Reconciliation

Talks With Saudi Arabia and the UAE for Cooperation in Special Economic Zones; Tehran Remains on FATF Blacklist

The Expansion of Military Ties Between Russia and Iran Raises Concerns in the West

US Moves Amid Growing Tensions With Iran in the Gulf

Iran’s Option of Military Confrontation With the Taliban

Improvement in Relations with Saudi Arabia Makes People on Qeshm Island Hopeful for Better Business; Women Resist Obligatory Hijab on Land and in the Air

Trade With Saudi Arabia Has Started Says Minister; Another Woman Killed Over Hijab in Kerman

FDI in Iran: Prospects and Challenges

Will Iran Prioritize Pragmatic Tools in Iraq?

Friday Protests Against Iranian Regime Continue Unabated in Zahedan Province; Iranian Member of Parliament Jalal Mahmoudzadeh: Raisi Should Be Summoned to Parliament for Questions Over the Economy

Amid Anti-government Protests, Tehran Says It Will Avenge Soleimani’s Killing

Iran and Azerbaijan Are Now More Than Frenemies

The Significance of the IRGC’s New Drone Aircraft Carrier

Rasanah Publishes the English Edition of “Iran and Cultural Centers in Europe”

Europe and the Challenge of Dual-Use Technology Transfer to Iran

Teenager Commits Suicide After Being Tortured in Prison; Protests Continue: Iran Will Not Cooperate With UN Fact-Finding Mission

Iran’s Delayed Response to the IAEA and Its Considerations in the Nuclear Talks

Iran’s Foreign Policy Compass Amid International Conflict

Iran’s Longstanding History of Tumultuous Diplomacy

75 Percent of Iranians Will Participate in Protests; 300 Opponents of Compulsory Hijab Arrested; Iran Warns Europe Over Energy Crisis: Winter Is Approaching

Khamenei Backs Raisi’s Government Despite Poor Performance; Wave of Emigration of IT Experts from Iran to UAE

The Plot to Assassinate Bolton May Come Back to Haunt Tehran

Iran’s BRICS Application: Prospects and Challenges

Maduro’s Visit to Iran and Turkey: Economic Interests and Ideological Collusion

Biden Administration’s Iran Nuclear Talks Questioned

Russia’s Troop Repositioning and Its Impact on Iran’s Positions in Syria

The Significance of Bashar al-Assad’s Visit to Iran

Iran Uses Iraq for Military Escalation

Iran’s Growing Cross-Border Security Challenges Amid the Increasing Flow of Afghan Refugees

Opposition Groups Launch Cyberattacks against Iran

The Nuclear Deal and the Russian Guarantees: Motives and Implications

Former Lawmaker Ali Motahari: Russia Wants Iran to Be Its Hostage in the Nuclear Talks; Minimum Wage Increases; Workers Still Under the Poverty Line

The Russian Attack on Ukraine and Its Implications for the Gulf States and Iran

Rasanah Issues Iran Case File for January 2022

Rasanah Issues Its Annual Strategic Report for 2021

Iran’s Policy in Africa: Between Ideological Dimensions and Economic Enticement

Khamenei: We Cannot Remain in a Defensive Position Forever; If Sanctions Lifted, We Will Be One of the Biggest Exporters of Arms, Says Senior Military Official

Vienna Nuclear Talks Resume, Tehran Needs Petro-Dollars Urgently; Iranian Agricultural Produce Returned, Poison for Neighbors, the Iranian People

Abolishing the Position of the Grand Mufti in Syria: Significance and Implications

Kurdish Political Prisoner Secretly Executed; IRGC Holds Military Drill in the Gulf While Israelis Talk of Iran’s Weak Position in the Nuclear Talks