The Unspoken Message of the People; Why the Next President’s Affiliation Does Not Matter


The People’s Silent Message

An editorial in Hamdeli Daily, written by Massad Seliti, discussed the importance of holding elections and the right of citizens to participate in them. It emphasized that eligible citizens should have equal opportunities to choose their representatives in a transparent, accountable and competitive electoral process that adheres to the principles of free and fair elections.

The editorial noted the significant relationship between citizens’ participation in elections and their hope for change and improvement in economic, political and social conditions. It highlighted that maximum participation indicates acceptance and legitimacy of governance, while minimal participation signals civil protest.

Seliti raised the issue of low voter turnout in the early presidential elections held on July 7. According to the country’s election headquarters, only 40% of the 61 million eligible voters participated, revealing a significant lack of participation. The writer analyzed this low turnout, categorizing the non-participants into three groups.

The first group were those who lacked the motivation to participate. This group’s reluctance did not equate to a boycott but was a clear message of dissatisfaction with the country’s management. The editorial argued that these citizens, burdened by severe economic and social pressures, found the candidates’ speeches, debates and election statements unclear and inconsistent with Iran’s political, economic, and social realities. They did not see any advantage in voting and lacked confidence in the candidates’ ability to improve the country’s situation and achieve prosperity.

The editorial added that the second group comprised those boycotting the elections. This group was dissatisfied with the government’s performance and lacked trust in the election process. They believed that the president’s powers were limited by the governance structure and the influence of supreme councils and other bodies whose members were appointed outside the presidential sphere. This group felt that the president had limited power in key areas such as foreign policy, national security and economic matters. Additionally, the absence of a candidate aligning with their beliefs among those approved by the Guardian Council further discouraged their participation. They saw no potential for change under the current structure and called for constitutional revisions to align with democratic principles and criteria for free and fair elections.

The third group represented those who viewed non-participation as electoral disobedience. This group, which generally opposes the political system, engaged in non-violent resistance by ignoring government laws and policies. Their aim was to weaken the system’s legitimacy both domestically and internationally through non-participation in elections.

Yet, the editorial argued that the low turnout in the recent elections reflected broader societal discontent and a lack of confidence in the current political system. It called for significant reforms to address the underlying issues and restore citizens’ faith in the electoral process and governance. The editorial concluded that understanding these groups’ perspectives was crucial for any meaningful change in the country’s political landscape.

Hamdeli Daily

The Affiliation of the Next President Does Not Really Matter

An editorial in Arman Melli, penned by Hamid Shojaei, noted the unexpected nature of the second-round election candidates, Masoud Pezeshkian and Saeed Jalili. Many had anticipated that if the presidential election reached a second round, it would be a contest between doctors and carpet weavers. However, the possibility of Jalili’s presence increased, and ultimately, Jalili secured the second position with a significant lead over Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, proceeding to the runoff with Pezeshkian.

The editorial discussed the surprisingly low level of voter turnout, which, contrary to expectations of 50%, ended up being only 40%. This low participation rate sent a meaningful message about public sentiment. Despite this, the “reformist” candidate Pezeshkian, received the highest number of votes, indicating a significant decline in “fundamentalist” support compared to the 18 million votes Ebrahim Raisi received in 1400 HS. The editorial emphasized that the upcoming second phase of the election would see Pezeshkian and Jalili competing once again, creating a stark bipolarity in the political landscape.

The editorial argued that this bipolarity represented two completely opposing views: Jalili as a symbol of maintaining the status quo and Pezeshkian as a symbol of change. One view sees sanctions as a blessing and an indicator of progress, while the other views them as a curse and an obstacle to progress. One approach advocates for building a metaphorical fence around the country, whereas the other promotes active engagement with other nations and the international system within the framework of national interests. These opposing perspectives extend to various political, economic, social and cultural fields, reflecting the broader divide in Iranian society.

The editorial also highlighted the significance of the elections on Friday, July 5, describing them as critical and decisive for the fate of all Iranians. It underscored the need for citizens to actively participate to influence their future and that of their children, thereby safeguarding the country from future peril.

Arman Melli

The Agony That Would Continue to Afflict the People Under the Next President

An editorial by Mustafa Eglima from the Social Work Department, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences published in Arman Daily, discussed the high hopes of the Iranian populace regarding the new government’s ability to bring about economic and political improvements. Eglima noted that while the people do not expect miracles, they are hopeful that the new administration will address the country’s many shortcomings.

Eglima raised the issue of the dire economic conditions affecting a significant portion of the population. He pointed out that a third of Iranians live below the poverty line, struggling daily to meet their basic needs. Many are unable to afford essential items such as fruits, vitamins and protein-rich foods, with purchasing meat or chicken being a distant dream for millions. This lack of nutrition is expected to lead to an increase in gastrointestinal, blood and bone diseases, which will place a heavy burden on the healthcare system, potentially exceeding the cost of importing and distributing these items.

The editorial highlighted the exorbitant cost of housing, which has forced retirees and those earning less than 10 million tomans to move to the outskirts of cities. These areas are rife with social issues, physical and mental health problems, and cultural conflicts. Vulnerable groups, including single mothers and victims of abuse, are particularly affected by these conditions. Eglima stressed that the new government must prioritize addressing these housing issues to improve the quality of life for marginalized communities.

The editorial discussed the importance of realistic and achievable promises from the new government. Eglima noted that unrealistic and unlikely promises have eroded public trust and reduced political and social participation. He argued that the new government must avoid such promises and focus on realistic, actionable plans to restore national trust and strengthen social capital. By addressing these critical issues, the government can gradually compensate for past shortcomings and build a more prosperous future for Iran.

Eglima emphasized that the new president must recognize that the economic hardships faced by the population are not just numbers but real-life struggles that impact millions of lives. He pointed out that every day millions more people fall below the poverty line, making it harder for them to bring food to the table. The editorial urged the new government to take immediate steps to address the severe nutritional deficiencies affecting the population to prevent a looming health crisis.

The editorial also highlighted the social impact of the economic crisis, noting that the back-breaking cost of housing has pushed many to the outskirts of cities, where they face a multitude of social and cultural challenges. Eglima stressed the need for comprehensive social programs to support the most vulnerable, including working children and the homeless, who are often overlooked in policy discussions.

Eglima stressed the urgency of the situation, urging the new president to act swiftly and decisively. He reminded readers that while the people do not expect immediate miracles, they are looking for signs of real progress and commitment to addressing the nation’s pressing issues. The editorial called on the new administration to focus on practical solutions and to work diligently to rebuild public trust and confidence in the government’s ability to improve their lives. By doing so, Eglima argued, the new government could lay the foundation for a more prosperous and stable Iran.

Arman Daily

The Provisions of the Gas Agreement With Russia Must Be Disclosed

In an editorial published by Jahan-e Sanat, the recent visit of Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller to Tehran for signing a strategic gas agreement with Iran was discussed. The timing of this event, occurring during the 14th election process and in the final days of the 13th government’s term, raised questions about its urgency amidst political chaos. Some suggested that waiting for the new government might have been wiser.

The editorial highlighted the destinations for Russian gas sold through Iran. Currently, only Turkey and Iraq import small amounts of gas from Iran. It questioned whether the Russian gas would replace Iran’s exports to these countries or target new markets like Pakistan and India. Skepticism arose due to Iran’s longstanding unfulfilled plans to sell gas to these nations.

Regarding implications, the editorial raised concerns about Iran’s gas reserves. Would they be neglected or “buried alive” due to this agreement? Instead of subordinating production and exports to Russia, the editorial argued that Iran should focus on its own gas resources. The strategic contract with Russia, aligning interests between countries with large gas reserves, was deemed rare and unusual.

A contrast emerged between Iran and Qatar. While Qatar secured a 25-year gas supply contract with China, Iran, despite larger gas reserves, became dependent on Russian gas. The editorial criticized this dependency, considering it detrimental to Iran’s national interests and its potential as a major gas exporter.

Transparency became crucial. The editorial urged making the gas contract details public for expert scrutiny. This transparency would allow informed judgments about its impact on Iran’s energy sector and broader strategic interests. The editorial questioned the rationale behind the agreement. Despite abundant gas reserves, Iran positioned itself as a transit route for Russian gas rather than leveraging its advantage in the global market. This missed opportunity hindered Iran’s energy independence and economic sovereignty.

Economically, the agreement’s implications worried the editorial. Iran’s current challenges required maximizing resource utilization, not facilitating Russian gas exports. The risk was losing revenue and strategic leverage in the global energy market. As such, the editorial emphasized transparency and strategic utilization of Iran’s substantial gas reserves to navigate economic challenges.

Jahan-e Sanat

Khatami Addresses the 60% Boycotting the Election; Calls for Greater Participation

Former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, addressing his advisers, described the 60% election boycott as unprecedented and indicative of widespread public dissatisfaction and anger towards the ruling system. As a leading “reformist” figure who supported Masoud Pezeshkian in the first round, Khatami urged voters to prevent the election of a candidate with minimal support in the runoff.

Khatami emphasized that the low turnout, reported by the Iranian republic at about 40%, reflected significant public discontent, a sentiment echoed by experts who question the accuracy of the official statistics. He noted that dissatisfaction was not confined to non-voters but also included many who participated, hoping for change.

Before the Guardian Council announced the candidates, Khatami had stated that the “reformists” would participate if their candidate was approved. Following the approval of Pezeshkian, Khatami and most “reformists” declared their support for him, signaling unity within the current. However, some prominent “reformists,” such as Mirhossein Mousavi, Zahra Rahnavard and the imprisoned Mustafa Tajzadeh, did not vote in the elections.

Khatami criticized one of the two prevailing approaches of the Iranian ruling system which undermines the republic’s principles. Furthermore, he questioned the view of those who consider sanctions as beneficial, despite leading to increased poverty, corruption and resource depletion.

Iran International Persian

Three Iraqi Militia Groups Collaborate With the IRGC

Commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force General Amir Ali Hajizadeh addressed the families of Gaza’s martyrs, recalling past military operations. He highlighted the shooting down of the US Global Hawk drone in the Persian Gulf and the launching of 13 missiles at Ain al-Assad air base in a subsequent operation. Additionally, he referred to the firing of 300 rockets during Operation Martyr Soleimani.

Hajizadeh expressed anticipation for Operation True Promise 2, noting the unspecified number of missiles planned for this future operation. His remarks underscore the IRGC’s preparedness for potential future engagements, although specific details regarding the operation remain undisclosed.


Kharrazi: We Do Our Best to Support Hezbollah

The President of Iran’s Strategic Council of Foreign Relations Kamal Kharrazi warned of the potential consequences if Israel were to launch a full-scale invasion of Lebanon. In an interview with the Financial Times, Kharrazi asserted that Hezbollah possesses sufficient strength to effectively respond to Israeli aggression, potentially resulting in the failure of Israel to achieve its military objectives. He emphasized Iran’s readiness to support Hezbollah extensively if regional conflict were to escalate beyond Lebanon’s borders.

Regarding Iran’s upcoming elections and its impact on foreign policy, Kharrazi suggested the possibility of improved relations with Western countries contingent upon a shift away from the current adversarial policies toward mutual respect and equality in diplomacy. He noted anticipated strategic consistency between the presidential candidates, regardless of individual differences, due to overarching strategies guided by Iran’s leadership.

Addressing the future of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Kharrazi emphasized that the existing agreement remains viable if the United States recommits. He reaffirmed Iran’s willingness to fulfill its obligations under the JCPOA upon the United States’ return to the agreement, reiterating Iran’s resilience against ineffective pressure tactics.

On the prospect of direct negotiations with the United States, Kharrazi dismissed the idea, citing perceived US reluctance to engage on equal terms. While Iran remains open to dialogue with other Western nations, Kharrazi criticized the United States’ historical preference for pressure tactics over productive diplomacy.


Iran’s Judiciary Confirms Summoning and Threatening Boycotters of the Presidential Election

IranWire reported that during the days leading up to the 14th presidential election, hundreds of individuals were summoned and warned. A judicial official confirmed that approximately 600 people who engaged in unlawful activities on social media were summoned in person or via phone calls before the elections. Additionally, on the day of the election (Tir 8), 684 individuals were similarly cautioned. According to the judiciary’s Deputy for Social Affairs and Crime Prevention Asghar Jahangir, six individuals who persisted in criminal behavior despite prior warnings were also summoned. Earlier, news had circulated regarding the alleged offense of “election boycott” and the public announcement of refraining from participating in the elections. IranWire had previously reported that public election boycotters were charged under “propaganda against the system.”

Iran Wire

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