Amid the Chaos and Harbingers of War, Saudi Arabia Leads a Global Coalition to Recognize the Palestinian State


Amid the overwhelming noise of missiles and cannons in the Middle East, where rational proposals or genuine initiatives to halt what Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas called the current state of “madness” are scarce, Saudi Arabia, alongside European parties, has succeeded in advancing an initiative aimed at creating a balance in the ongoing bloody conflict. On September 26, 2024, during the United Nations General Assembly, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan announced the formation of a global alliance to promote a two-state solution as a framework for resolving the conflict in occupied Palestine. This initiative has gained significant traction, with 90 countries, including Arab, Islamic and European nations, joining the alliance. The first meetings of this coalition are expected to take place in Riyadh and Norway in the near future, marking a counter-effort to the conflict’s current dynamics in the region.

First: An Important Coalition in a Tumult-ridden Regional and Global Context

This alliance is crucial given the current stagnation and the failure of all diplomatic efforts to halt the war. Instead, the conflict is expected to escalate into even more dangerous stages that could threaten both regional and global security and stability. Israel views this battle as decisive and zero-sum, believing it must eliminate all surrounding threats. Dominated by the extreme right, Israel sees the conflict as an opportunity to pursue grandiose biblical projects, with ambitions extending beyond occupied Palestine and Islamic holy sites. Its leadership is brazenly trying to reshape the Middle East through this conflict, disregarding any rights for the Palestinians and seeking to leverage military gains to sidestep the historical and internationally recognized rights of the Palestinian people.

The alliance also aims to counterbalance the United States’ bias towards Israel in this conflict, as Washington appears to have nearly abandoned its historical commitments to the Palestinians. The United States seems incapable of playing a mediating role that could lead to de-escalation, instead offering Israel military and financial support alongside diplomatic cover that shields it from pressure or condemnation. This backing grants Israel significant freedom of action, with little restriction on its behavior, as it benefits from US protection that ensures impunity. The United States may even see this conflict as an opportunity to advance its own agenda in the Middle East, using the regional turmoil to establish a new security structure that curbs the influence of China and Russia, ultimately serving its long-term interests.

The formation of this alliance comes at a time when the rules-based international system appears to be losing its effectiveness. With three UN resolutions aimed at ending the conflict vetoed by the United States, it highlights the inability of international institutions to fulfill their role in maintaining global security and stability. The flagrant violations of international law, unseen on this scale since the system’s inception, and the evident double standards in handling the Middle East crisis, make it hard to trust the international community to play a meaningful role. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan expressed doubt over the system’s credibility, stating, “We must question what remains of the legitimacy of the global system when we are powerless to stop the war machine, while others selectively apply international law in blatant violation of the core principles of equality, freedom, and human rights.”

Second: Saudi Arabia’s Role in Redirecting the Conflict’s Compass

The alliance reflects a clear and strategic vision among Saudi decision-makers, demonstrating a careful analysis of the ongoing crisis, a recognition of the challenges and opportunities that arise from the current conflict, and a renewed effort to address an issue that has long been difficult to resolve. Amid attempts to impose a fait accompli on Saudi Arabia, particularly concerning the Palestinian issue, this initiative reaffirms the kingdom’s unwavering stance, one that is not open to compromise or external pressure. It highlights Saudi Arabia’s enduring commitment to the causes of the Arab and Islamic world, with the Palestinian issue at the forefront.

The formation of the alliance underscores Saudi Arabia’s pivotal international role and its influence on the trajectory of the conflict, showcasing the kingdom’s diplomatic strength in restoring balance to the Palestinian issue. While Israel and the United States seek to bypass the Palestinians’ historical right to an independent state and pressure Arab nations, including Saudi Arabia, to accept this reality, the kingdom is countering these efforts through the approval of this initiative. This move reaffirms core principles, particularly adherence to the Arab Initiative as the framework for a resolution. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman reinforced this stance on September 25, 2024, declaring that the kingdom remains committed to tirelessly working towards the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, and he emphasized that Saudi Arabia will not normalize relations with Israel without this outcome.

The alliance also highlights the effectiveness of Saudi Arabia’s role on both regional and global stages. The initiative has garnered significant international support, with Saudi Arabia possessing the capabilities to drive it forward. The kingdom holds a unique position in the Arab and Islamic world, as well as internationally, which is key to the success of the initiative. So far, 90 countries have responded positively, and this number is expected to grow as the alliance convenes its meetings. This could lead to the formation of a major coalition capable of shaping the current conflict’s trajectory and influencing the future of political settlements.

The initiative also underscores the kingdom’s high-level coordination with Europe, which has adopted a rational stance aligned with Saudi Arabia’s balanced approach to the crisis. The European Union, as a key member of the quartet on the Palestinian issue, has long expressed strong reservations about Israel’s evasive tactics on settlements and its retreat from prior commitments, as well as its aggression against Palestinians before and after the recent war. This coordination could help form an important front capable of influencing the trajectory of the conflict.

Third: Expected Results and Impacts

The Saudi initiative presents an alternative approach to Israel’s efforts to establish a fait accompli regarding the Palestinian issue, aligning with international and Arab consensus on the two-state solution and the Palestinian people’s right to establish their independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital. This alliance also offers a new direction beyond the traditional peace process led by the United States, which has proven ineffective in light of recent developments in the conflict and the stances of both the United States and Israel. Furthermore, it takes into account the shifting regional dynamics and the balance of global powers. As the Saudi foreign minister stated, “Implementing the two-state solution is the best way to break the cycle of conflict and suffering, establishing a new reality where the entire region, including Israel, can enjoy security and coexistence.”

The initiative serves as a significant pressure point on Israel, which seeks to evade its responsibilities in establishing a Palestinian state while continuing its deadly campaign against the Palestinian people. Given the strong international response to the initiative, the coalition is anticipated to attract considerable global participation, which will help shape public opinion that pressures both the United States and Israel. Simultaneously, this situation highlights the shortcomings and ineffectiveness of the international system and its institutions.

Undoubtedly, the alliance will play a crucial role in influencing global public opinion that advocates for the rights of the Palestinian people, serving as a significant leverage point against Israel, especially amid the decline of its international standing and the weakening of its narrative surrounding historical injustices. This alliance could also prevent the perception of the Palestinians’ right to statehood from being treated as a mere delayed promise, instead affirming that the establishment of an independent Palestinian state is an inherent right and the foundation for peace, rather than just a final outcome in a protracted political negotiation, as emphasized by the Saudi foreign minister.

Saudi efforts may resonate in fostering a global consensus on the Palestinian issue and encouraging more countries to acknowledge the Palestinian state. This sentiment was echoed by the Norwegian foreign minister on September 28, 2024, who stated that “there is a growing consensus in the international community among Western nations, Arab countries, and the Global South, that we need to establish a Palestinian Authority, a Palestinian government, and a Palestinian state, which must be recognized.” Currently, 149 out of the 193 member states of the United Nations recognize the Palestinian state.


It can be said that the alliance faces a significant test, particularly as it confronts major challenges. It represents an effort counter to the current escalation, striving to reestablish consideration for a political settlement grounded in international legitimacy and the principles of international law. This framework is one that Israel aims to circumvent as it seeks to create a new reality devoid of the concept of a Palestinian state, leveraging its military superiority and recent military successes. Additionally, this initiative emerges within a turbulent international context, characterized by the ineffectiveness of international institutions and a significant imbalance in the global power structure that Israel is exploiting to advance its agenda, often disregarding international initiatives that do not align with the goals of its extremist government.

However, it can be asserted that this alliance represents a significant effort that prevents the arena from being dominated by a single perspective, positioning itself as the most credible path forward. Led by Saudi Arabia, this alliance is viewed as a more rational and realistic alternative, grounded in the understanding that a just settlement — specifically a two-state solution — is essential for exiting the current conflict. This solution promises long-term security and stability not only in the occupied territories but across the Middle East. Moreover, the initiative reflects a thoughtful engagement with history, recognizing that military victories, exclusion and marginalization alone cannot achieve sustainable security and development. The persistent resistance to occupation only strengthens over time, indicating that peaceful resolution is necessary. Thus, the alliance, with Saudi Arabia at its forefront, offers a vital opportunity to navigate the entrenched complexities surrounding the Middle East conflict and steer the region away from an unpredictable state of war. Importantly, this alliance also fortifies the kingdom’s interests and strategic options, establishing clear red lines in its approach to Israel and the Palestinian issue, independent of the pressures exerted by US politicians and their electoral calculus.

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