On July 12, 2023, The International Institute for Iranian Studies (Rasanah) organized a seminar entitled “The Historical Role of Saudi Arabia in the Algerian Revolution.” Rasanah Vice President Dr. Ahmed Al-Qarni opened the seminar with a welcoming speech and the session was moderated by the Director of the Center for Studies and Research Maj. Gen. Ahmed Al-Maimouni.
Rachid Ould Boussiafa outlined the most prominent axes of Saudi Arabia’s historical role in the Algerian revolution and the role of Algerian reformist figures such as Sheikh Bashir Ibrahimi and Sheikh Tayyib Aqbi that have started from Medina.
He highlighted the Arab support, particularly Saudi Arabia’s pivotal role in the Algerian revolution and the invaluable support given by King Salman bin Abdulaziz, the Governor of Riyadh at the time, who personally supervised the donation campaigns for the Algerian revolution. Boussiafa reviewed in detail the Saudi financial support provided during the Algerian revolution, as Saudi Arabia was one of the first Arab countries to support the Algerian revolution against French colonialism. He also referred to the role of King Saud bin Abdulaziz in supporting the Algerian cause at the United Nations, whether on the political or material level.
The seminar also discussed Saudi support for the Algerian revolution in the media, as it was the first to raise the Algerian issue in the Security Council during that period. He explained this role through historical documents that confirmed the importance of Saudi support for the Algerian revolution at the media, political, diplomatic and financial levels. The Algerian revolution commenced in 1954 until the declaration of Algerian independence in 1962.