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Rasanah Publishes New Issue of ‘Journal for Iranian Studies’

The 9th Issue of Rasanah’s Journal for Iranian Studies is out Now

Iran-Tajikistan Relations: Internal and External Challenges

Turkey and Iran: The Challenges of Establishing a Kurdish State in Northern Iraq

Recruitment of Persian Language: The Role in Exporting Iranian Culture and Revolution

State and Religion in Iran: Impact of the Jurist Leadership on Internal and External Policies

Journal for Iranian Studies

The rent-seeking economy and social justice system in Iran

The Iranian Energy Sector: A Vague Future under the Nuclear Deal Agreement

Egyptian Policy toward Iran and the Challenges of Transition from Break Up to Normalization

Iran and violence in the Gulf: An outlook on the realities and a plan for resolution

The Water Crisis in Iran

Russian Economic Interests in Iran between Partnership and Sanctions

Diffusion in the Opposition Environment: A Field Study on the Reality of Shiites in Egypt

The GCC and Iran Conflicts and Strategies of Confrontation

The Shiite Geopolitics: Present and Future

The Persian Occupation of Oman in the Eighteenth Century