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Iran’s Attack on Israel: Assessment, Repercussions and Scenarios

Iran’s Attack on Israel: Assessment, Repercussions and Scenarios

A New Era of Divisions Among Iraq’s Militant Factions

A New Era of Divisions Among Iraq’s Militant Factions

Iran’s Parliamentary and Assembly of Experts Elections: Turnout Reaches Historic New Low

Iran’s Parliamentary and Assembly of Experts Elections: Turnout Reaches Historic New Low

Operation Al-Aqsa Storm (Flood): Reasons, Consequences and Expected Scenarios

Operation Al-Aqsa Storm (Flood): Reasons, Consequences and Expected Scenarios

US Troops on Military Alert at the Iraq-Syria-Jordan Border Triangle: Motives and Scenarios

US Troops on Military Alert at the Iraq-Syria-Jordan Border Triangle: Motives and Scenarios

Iran’s Supreme National Security Council After Shamkhani’s Resignation: Context and Repercussions

Iran’s Supreme National Security Council After Shamkhani’s Resignation: Context and Repercussions

Consequences and Significations of Holding the Arab League Summit in Light of Regional and Global Shifts

Consequences and Significations of Holding the Arab League Summit in Light of Regional and Global Shifts

Renewed Armenia-Azerbaijan Clashes and the Iranian Calculus

Renewed Armenia-Azerbaijan Clashes and the Iranian Calculus

Poisoning Schoolgirls: Narratives and Potential Ramifications for the Iranian Regime

Poisoning Schoolgirls: Narratives and Potential Ramifications for the Iranian Regime

Assessing the Iranian President’s Visit to China: Timing, Objectives and Outcomes

Assessing the Iranian President’s Visit to China: Timing, Objectives and Outcomes

A Strike Into Iran’s Depth: Dimensions of the Drone Attacks on Iran

A Strike Into Iran’s Depth: Dimensions of the Drone Attacks on Iran

Strategic Dimensions and Consequences of Iranian Military Support for Russia in the War on Ukraine

Strategic Dimensions and Consequences of Iranian Military Support for Russia in the War on Ukraine

Calculus of Lebanon-Israel Maritime Border Demarcation Agreement

Calculus of Lebanon-Israel Maritime Border Demarcation Agreement

The Future of Iraq’s Crises After Sadr’s Withdrawal  and the Recent Armed Clashes

The Future of Iraq’s Crises After Sadr’s Withdrawal  and the Recent Armed Clashes

Mobilizing Foreign Fighters in the Russian-Ukrainian Dispute: Justifications and Ramifications

Mobilizing Foreign Fighters in the Russian-Ukrainian Dispute: Justifications and Ramifications

The Economic and Political Effects of Energy Price Rises

The Economic and Political Effects of Energy Price Rises

The Nuclear Deal and the Russian Guarantees: Motives and Implications

The Nuclear Deal and the Russian Guarantees: Motives and Implications

The Russian Attack on Ukraine and Its Implications for the Gulf States and Iran

The Russian Attack on Ukraine and Its Implications for the Gulf States and Iran

Jordanian-Syrian Border Clashes: Organized Smuggling Networks or a New Proxy War Front?

Jordanian-Syrian Border Clashes: Organized Smuggling Networks or a New Proxy War Front?

The Iran-Azerbaijan Escalation: Motives, Consequences and Future Scenarios

The Iran-Azerbaijan Escalation: Motives, Consequences and Future Scenarios

The Taliban’s Current Challenges and Attempts to Redress Its Image

The Taliban’s Current Challenges and Attempts to Redress Its Image

Protests Over Water in Ahwaz: Ongoing Crises and Unfulfilled Solutions

Protests Over Water in Ahwaz: Ongoing Crises and Unfulfilled Solutions

The Ramifications of Iraq’s Electricity Crisis and the Iranian Dimension

The Ramifications of Iraq’s Electricity Crisis and the Iranian Dimension

Iran’s Presidential Elections: Results and Implications

Iran’s Presidential Elections: Results and Implications

The Guardian Council’s Disqualification of Iran’s Presidential Election Candidates: Dimensions and Outcomes

The Guardian Council’s Disqualification of Iran’s Presidential Election Candidates: Dimensions and Outcomes

The Iran-China 25-Year Comprehensive Strategic Partnership: Challenges and Prospects

The Iran-China 25-Year Comprehensive Strategic Partnership: Challenges and Prospects

The US Threat to Shut Down Its Diplomatic Mission in Iraq: Motives, Ramifications and Scenarios

The US Threat to Shut Down Its Diplomatic Mission in Iraq: Motives, Ramifications and Scenarios

The Azerbaijani-Armenian Escalation and Its Ramifications for the Middle East

The Azerbaijani-Armenian Escalation and Its Ramifications for the Middle East

The Snapback Provision: The Prospects of Reimposing UN Sanctions and Iran’s Options

The Snapback Provision: The Prospects of Reimposing UN Sanctions and Iran’s Options

Iran’s Exhausted Currency Continues to Plummet

Iran’s Exhausted Currency Continues to Plummet

The Political Dimensions of Syria’s Caesar Act and the Scope of Iranian Influence

The Political Dimensions of Syria’s Caesar Act and the Scope of Iranian Influence

Extending the Arms Embargo on Iran: Dimensions and Expectations

Extending the Arms Embargo on Iran: Dimensions and Expectations

Iran’s Military Ambitions Expose Recklessness and Shortcomings

Iran’s Military Ambitions Expose Recklessness and Shortcomings

Iran’s Launch of its First Military Satellite into Orbit: Significance and Indications

Iran’s Launch of its First Military Satellite into Orbit: Significance and Indications

Iranian Missile Attacks on US Bases: Indications and Scenarios

Iranian Missile Attacks on US Bases: Indications and Scenarios

Targeting Soleimani: Factors Behind the Timing of His Killing and Threats to Regional Security

Targeting Soleimani: Factors Behind the Timing of His Killing and Threats to Regional Security

Societies in Revolt: Popular Protests in Iraq and Lebanon and the Fate of Iran’s Regional Project

Societies in Revolt: Popular Protests in Iraq and Lebanon and the Fate of Iran’s Regional Project

Rouhani’s Call for a Referendum and the Supreme Leader’s Confrontation Policy: Are Iran’s Maneuvering Cards Being Eroded?

Rouhani’s Call for a Referendum and the Supreme Leader’s Confrontation Policy: Are Iran’s Maneuvering Cards Being Eroded?

Dangers of the IRGC’s Control Over Ports on the Syrian Coast and the Impact of the US Maximum Pressure Strategy

Dangers of the IRGC’s Control Over Ports on the Syrian Coast and the Impact of the US Maximum Pressure Strategy

Iran’s Hormuz Peace Initiative and Its Offer to Make Changes to the Nuclear Deal: Tehran’s Motives and Its Scope of Influence

Iran’s Hormuz Peace Initiative and Its Offer to Make Changes to the Nuclear Deal: Tehran’s Motives and Its Scope of Influence

John Bolton’s Ouster: How Will It Affect the Iranian File?

John Bolton’s Ouster: How Will It Affect the Iranian File?

Conflicts Among Clerics in Iran: Mutual Accusations of Corruption

Conflicts Among Clerics in Iran: Mutual Accusations of Corruption

Iran – Targeting Carriers in the Gulf: What Future Awaits the Region?

Iran – Targeting Carriers in the Gulf: What Future Awaits the Region?

The US Maximum Pressure Strategy: Implications of Cancelling the US Waivers on Iranian Oil Exports

The US Maximum Pressure Strategy: Implications of Cancelling the US Waivers on Iranian Oil Exports

The US Designation of the IRGC as a Terror Group: Connotations and Iran’s Reaction

The US Designation of the IRGC as a Terror Group: Connotations and Iran’s Reaction
