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Why did Khamenei turn to Banisadr?

Seven Notes on Tehran’s Armed Operation

The future movement of ethnic and religious minorities in Iran in the light of regional and international changes

Turkey and Iran a regional cold war justified by economic interests

Tehran Attacks Scenarios Between the ISIS and the Rearrangement of the Iranian Interior

Moment to moment, shooting in parliament, suicide bombing in mausoleum of Khomeini

54 victims in deadly armed attacks in Tehran and 25 navy drills in 2017

The US government to file a lawsuit against Alavi establishment.

Jurist Leadership in the Iranian Modern Cult and Political Mentality Intellectual Determinants of the Political Opposition

The ‘Dark Prince’ to assume C.I.A.’s Iran Operations

My Gift to Rouhani: Magic Formula

Iran in the Face of the International Scramble for Africa

Why and how did Rouhani win?

A spy in Rouhani’s office and Chinese banks block Iran’s money

Turkey’s rather lackluster economic ties with Iran

The Arab Islamic American Summit: a New Partnership to Confront the Terrorists and Iranian Threats

Iran and Obama’s Lethal Dose

Raisi poses election offences to Guardian Council and Iran to boost Cyberwar capabilities

The Iranian Threat Models to the Arab National Security 1979-2016

Iranian elections 2017: Domestic surprises and the inevitability of foreign developments

The Arab Islamic US Coalition to curb Iranian ambitions

Causes of the Iranian Presidents Dismissal: All Roads Lead to Rome

Al-Mahdi for Shiites, Sunnis, and the Khomeini Iran

IRGC plans further than elections to next supreme leader

Iran increases defense budget and the Human Rights records of candidates are not acceptable

Deputy Crown Prince’s Speech Dismantles the Iranian Regime Approaches

A Workshop on the Iranian Military Institution in Riyadh

Iran warns Saudi Arabia and Pakistan

The Joint Nuclear Ambitions Iran-North Korea Relations: Determinants and Risks

The GCC and Iran Conflicts and Strategies of Confrontation

The Shiite Geopolitics: Present and Future

The Persian Occupation of Oman in the Eighteenth Century

Chabahar and Gwadar Agreements and Rivalry among Competitors in Baluchistan Region

Tehran’s treacherous reconciliation offer

Khamenei’s disastrous fate without JCPOA and IRGC’s report on dissident cleric

Does Nowruz bring happiness for Iranian people?

Rouhani: 10 next governments cannot solve all problems and Iran ready to return to pre-JCPOA conditions

To What Ethnicity and Province Do Majority of Iranian Officials Belong?

Iran Clerics to Undergo Tension in the Future and Citizenship to be granted for ‘Fatimiyoun’

The ‘Arab Other’ in Iranian Mentality

Rouhani, “We must show our powers” and Iran to Unveil New Nuclear Achievements

The Arabian Gulf Center for Iranian Studies Releases its First Biannual Strategic Report

Initial Consequences of Trump’s Presidency: New Regional Alliances Against Tehran