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Saudi Foreign Minister Goes to Tehran; Poverty Line at 30 Million Tomans

Saudi Foreign Minister Goes to Tehran; Poverty Line at 30 Million Tomans

Confirmation of “Indirect” Negotiations With US in Oman; Molavi Abdul-Hamid Reacts to IRGC Hypersonic Missile: Instead of Weapons, Alleviate People’s Hunger

Confirmation of “Indirect” Negotiations With US in Oman; Molavi Abdul-Hamid Reacts to IRGC Hypersonic Missile: Instead of Weapons, Alleviate People’s Hunger

Seeking to Form Naval Alliance with Saudi Arabia, the UAE; Death Anniversary of Iranian Republic Founder: People Dance in Streets, Khamenei Calls Protesters “Thugs”

Seeking to Form Naval Alliance with Saudi Arabia, the UAE; Death Anniversary of Iranian Republic Founder: People Dance in Streets, Khamenei Calls Protesters “Thugs”

Iranian Consulates Active in Saudi Arabia; Khamenei’s Representative Compares Women’s Rejection of Obligatory Hijab to Berlin Wall’s Fall

Iranian Consulates Active in Saudi Arabia; Khamenei’s Representative Compares Women’s Rejection of Obligatory Hijab to Berlin Wall’s Fall

Appointment of Ambassador to Saudi Arabia; IRGC Commander Replaces Ali Shamkhani in National Security Council

Appointment of Ambassador to Saudi Arabia; IRGC Commander Replaces Ali Shamkhani in National Security Council

Economy Minister Visited Saudi Arabia; Eight Labor Activists Arrested at South Pars Gas Field Amid Raging Inflation

Economy Minister Visited Saudi Arabia; Eight Labor Activists Arrested at South Pars Gas Field Amid Raging Inflation

Improvement in Relations with Saudi Arabia Makes People on Qeshm Island Hopeful for Better Business; Women Resist Obligatory Hijab on Land and in the Air

Improvement in Relations with Saudi Arabia Makes People on Qeshm Island Hopeful for Better Business; Women Resist Obligatory Hijab on Land and in the Air

Restoring Relations With Saudi Arabia Prevented the Price of the Dollar From Skyrocketing; Workers Facing Dire Conditions Stage Protests While Khamenei Blames “the Enemy” for Deteriorating Economic Conditions

Restoring Relations With Saudi Arabia Prevented the Price of the Dollar From Skyrocketing; Workers Facing Dire Conditions Stage Protests While Khamenei Blames “the Enemy” for Deteriorating Economic Conditions

Trade With Saudi Arabia Has Started Says Minister; Another Woman Killed Over Hijab in Kerman

Trade With Saudi Arabia Has Started Says Minister; Another Woman Killed Over Hijab in Kerman

Regime Resorts to Technology to Fight Women; Crisis of Scarcity of Psychiatric Drugs, Anti-Depressants; “Catastrophic” Statistics of Underground Abortions

Regime Resorts to Technology to Fight Women; Crisis of Scarcity of Psychiatric Drugs, Anti-Depressants; “Catastrophic” Statistics of Underground Abortions

New Round of Chemical Attacks on Schoolgirls Kicks Off; Army Commander Downplays Attack Threats by Israel: Their Collapse Is Imminent

New Round of Chemical Attacks on Schoolgirls Kicks Off; Army Commander Downplays Attack Threats by Israel: Their Collapse Is Imminent

New Round of Physical Confrontations With Women Over Hijab; Lawmaker: Medical Conditions to Get Worse This Year

New Round of Physical Confrontations With Women Over Hijab; Lawmaker: Medical Conditions to Get Worse This Year

Friday Protests Against Iranian Regime Continue Unabated in Zahedan Province; Iranian Member of Parliament Jalal Mahmoudzadeh: Raisi Should Be Summoned to Parliament for Questions Over the Economy

Friday Protests Against Iranian Regime Continue Unabated in Zahedan Province; Iranian Member of Parliament Jalal Mahmoudzadeh: Raisi Should Be Summoned to Parliament for Questions Over the Economy

Tehran and Baghdad Sign Security Agreement; Political Prisoner From Evin: Survival of the Iranian Republic Is Against the Survival of the Country

Tehran and Baghdad Sign Security Agreement; Political Prisoner From Evin: Survival of the Iranian Republic Is Against the Survival of the Country

Prominent Artists Banned From Any Kind of Property Transactions for Supporting the People’s Protests; Results of Raisi’s Economic Promises: More Inflation and Poverty

Prominent Artists Banned From Any Kind of Property Transactions for Supporting the People’s Protests; Results of Raisi’s Economic Promises: More Inflation and Poverty

Zahra Rahnavard: Attack on Schoolgirls Is Rulers’ Revenge on Women and Girls; Regime Makes More Threats Against the West

Zahra Rahnavard: Attack on Schoolgirls Is Rulers’ Revenge on Women and Girls; Regime Makes More Threats Against the West

Iranian Republic Tightens the Noose Around Women Again; More Restrictions on Mir-Hossein Mousavi

Iranian Republic Tightens the Noose Around Women Again; More Restrictions on Mir-Hossein Mousavi

Traces of Khamenei’s Supporters in Serial Poisoning of Girl Students; Molavi Abdulhamid Calls for Referendum to Determine New Political System by People

Traces of Khamenei’s Supporters in Serial Poisoning of Girl Students; Molavi Abdulhamid Calls for Referendum to Determine New Political System by People

The Future of Iran’s Democracy Movement: “Solidarity Charter” to Be Drafted Soon; Central Bank: 77.5 Percent Growth in Government Companies’ Debts to Banking System

The Future of Iran’s Democracy Movement: “Solidarity Charter” to Be Drafted Soon; Central Bank: 77.5 Percent Growth in Government Companies’ Debts to Banking System

Images of Jailed Activist on Hunger Strike Shocks the World; GAMAAN’s Poll: More Than 80 Percent of People Say “No” to the Iranian Republic

Images of Jailed Activist on Hunger Strike Shocks the World; GAMAAN’s Poll: More Than 80 Percent of People Say “No” to the Iranian Republic

Couple Sentenced to 21 Years in Jail for Dancing Around Tehran’s Freedom Square; Law-Enforcement Commander Denies Shooting Protesters in the Eye

Couple Sentenced to 21 Years in Jail for Dancing Around Tehran’s Freedom Square; Law-Enforcement Commander Denies Shooting Protesters in the Eye

Officials Angry at the EU for Designating the IRGC as a Terrorist Organization; Increase of 5,000 More Registered Deaths at the Peak of the Nationwide Protests

Officials Angry at the EU for Designating the IRGC as a Terrorist Organization; Increase of 5,000 More Registered Deaths at the Peak of the Nationwide Protests

“Harsh Winter:” Gas Stations, Schools, Offices Shut Down; Execution of Dual National: UK Withdraws Ambassador From Tehran

“Harsh Winter:” Gas Stations, Schools, Offices Shut Down; Execution of Dual National: UK Withdraws Ambassador From Tehran

Police Ordered to Severely Confront Women for Removing Hijab; Khamenei Appoints Infamous Figure as Police Chief

Police Ordered to Severely Confront Women for Removing Hijab; Khamenei Appoints Infamous Figure as Police Chief

Security Confrontation with Urmia University Students; IRGC Official Lambasts “Elites’ Silence” About Popular Protests

Security Confrontation with Urmia University Students; IRGC Official Lambasts “Elites’ Silence” About Popular Protests

Iran-based Activist Calls Khamenei an Example of “Corruptor on Earth” and “Mohareb;” Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom: Keep Executing; Chop Off Hands, Feet of Protesters

Iran-based Activist Calls Khamenei an Example of “Corruptor on Earth” and “Mohareb;” Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom: Keep Executing; Chop Off Hands, Feet of Protesters

Khamenei’s Advisor on Capacity to Build Nuclear Bomb; Human Rights Organization Warns Against Risk of Executing 39 Arrested Protesters

Khamenei’s Advisor on Capacity to Build Nuclear Bomb; Human Rights Organization Warns Against Risk of Executing 39 Arrested Protesters

Execution of Two Protesters in Four Days; Iranians Turn to Exchanging Personal Belongings for Food

Execution of Two Protesters in Four Days; Iranians Turn to Exchanging Personal Belongings for Food

Allegations of Sexual Assault Against Detained Women Protesters; Sealing Off Shops, Threatening Businesses Along With Widespread Strikes

Allegations of Sexual Assault Against Detained Women Protesters; Sealing Off Shops, Threatening Businesses Along With Widespread Strikes

Teenager Commits Suicide After Being Tortured in Prison; Protests Continue: Iran Will Not Cooperate With UN Fact-Finding Mission

Teenager Commits Suicide After Being Tortured in Prison; Protests Continue: Iran Will Not Cooperate With UN Fact-Finding Mission

Lawyers’ Letter to UN About Iranian Government Killing Children; 60 Percent Uranium Enrichment Started in Fordow for First Time

Lawyers’ Letter to UN About Iranian Government Killing Children; 60 Percent Uranium Enrichment Started in Fordow for First Time

Strikes, Protests in Tens of Cities on Anniversary of November 2019; Iranian Activist at Risk of Death in Prison After Hunger Strike

Strikes, Protests in Tens of Cities on Anniversary of November 2019; Iranian Activist at Risk of Death in Prison After Hunger Strike

Molavi Abdul Hamid Calls for Referendum in Iran; 227 Lawmakers Call for Executing Protesters

Molavi Abdul Hamid Calls for Referendum in Iran; 227 Lawmakers Call for Executing Protesters

20 Percent Raise in Wages of Armed Forces Amid Nationwide Protests; Balochi People Close Taftan Gold Mine; Capital Flight From Tehran Stock Market

20 Percent Raise in Wages of Armed Forces Amid Nationwide Protests; Balochi People Close Taftan Gold Mine; Capital Flight From Tehran Stock Market

Students’ Harsh Warning to Oppressors: Crackdown No Longer the Solution; Iran Still Blacklisted by FATF

Students’ Harsh Warning to Oppressors: Crackdown No Longer the Solution; Iran Still Blacklisted by FATF

Iranian Government Forces Kill Schoolgirls; Officials Perplexed About Protests; IMF: Iran’s Debt Doubled in Two Years

Iranian Government Forces Kill Schoolgirls; Officials Perplexed About Protests; IMF: Iran’s Debt Doubled in Two Years

Severe Crackdown on City of Sanandaj; Oil Workers in Abadan Launch Strike; Security Forces Attack Schools

Severe Crackdown on City of Sanandaj; Oil Workers in Abadan Launch Strike; Security Forces Attack Schools

Protests Continue: From Streets to Rooftops, From Universities to Schools, People Chant Death to the Dictator; Mir-Hossein Mousavi Calls for Armed Forces to Support People; “Bloody Friday” in Zahedan: Protesters Shot in the Head, Heart

Protests Continue: From Streets to Rooftops, From Universities to Schools, People Chant Death to the Dictator; Mir-Hossein Mousavi Calls for Armed Forces to Support People; “Bloody Friday” in Zahedan: Protesters Shot in the Head, Heart

Widespread Protests Continue; Reza Pahlavi: People Know What They Want; University Students Launch Strikes

Widespread Protests Continue; Reza Pahlavi: People Know What They Want; University Students Launch Strikes

Bullets, Batons: Government Reacts to Protests Over the Murder of Mahsa Amini; Iranian Women React to Her Death: From Setting Fire to Headscarves to Cutting Hair

Bullets, Batons: Government Reacts to Protests Over the Murder of Mahsa Amini; Iranian Women React to Her Death: From Setting Fire to Headscarves to Cutting Hair

Drone Made for Attacking Haifa, Tel Aviv; 16,000 Physicians Leave Iran; Danger of Energy Crisis in Country in Winter

Drone Made for Attacking Haifa, Tel Aviv; 16,000 Physicians Leave Iran; Danger of Energy Crisis in Country in Winter

75 Percent of Iranians Will Participate in Protests; 300 Opponents of Compulsory Hijab Arrested; Iran Warns Europe Over Energy Crisis: Winter Is Approaching 

75 Percent of Iranians Will Participate in Protests; 300 Opponents of Compulsory Hijab Arrested; Iran Warns Europe Over Energy Crisis: Winter Is Approaching 

Khamenei Backs Raisi’s Government Despite Poor Performance; Wave of Emigration of IT Experts from Iran to UAE 

Khamenei Backs Raisi’s Government Despite Poor Performance; Wave of Emigration of IT Experts from Iran to UAE 

250 Political Activists in Iran Condemn the Attack on Salman Rushdie; Dissident Iranian Actors, Artists to Be Banned from Work

250 Political Activists in Iran Condemn the Attack on Salman Rushdie; Dissident Iranian Actors, Artists to Be Banned from Work

New Revenue for Government: Cash Fine for Women With “Bad Hijab;” Several Days of Water Shortages in City of Shahrekord: Protesters Chanted Slogans Against Raisi 

New Revenue for Government: Cash Fine for Women With “Bad Hijab;” Several Days of Water Shortages in City of Shahrekord: Protesters Chanted Slogans Against Raisi 
