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State and Religion in Iran: Impact of the Jurist Leadership on Internal and External Policies

IRGC backs PMF in Iraqi elections and Controversy over suggesting a referendum

Iran’s protests responded to a complex of crises

Government conceals dual nationalities and Ahmadinejad’s role in recent unrests

A MoU signed between the AGCIS and the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies on massive research projects

Rouhani’s 2018 Budget Bill rejected and People still homeless after Kermanshah’s earthquake

2018 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report: Arabian Gulf Center for Iranian Studies ranked First Top Think Tank in Saudi Arabia and 10th in Middle East and North Africa

The Future of the Nuclear Deal while Iran is Bluffing

Iran and Turkey’s Orientation Towards Africa

The West actually pulled out of JCPOA and Rouhani to be questioned

The Main Culprit in Recent Protests is Ali Khamenei

Lessons Learned from Iran Protests

Kabul demands to dismantle Fatimiyoun division and Salehi warns Amano

Demonstrations and Political System Crises in Iran

The repercussions of demonstrations on the Iranian economy and global energy prices

Afghani Senate asks for Iranian envoy summon over Afghans’ dead in Syria

Will Street Protests in Iran Reoccur?

Journal for Iranian Studies

Branding Iran’s Protests as a foreign-driven “conspiracy” is complete “nonsense”

More than 1,000 arrests this week and Ebadi calls for civil disobedience

What will IRGC do with the recent protests?

Larijani vows to arrest protesters, death toll rising

Anti-Regime protests in Mashhad, “Death to Dictator”

2018 budget is anti-employment and Changes in the Foreign Ministry

Alsulami narrates, “Glimpses of My Trip to Iraq, the Country of Arabs and Arabism”

Iran will stay in Syria and Post-JCPOA nuclear capability is enormous

What is the basis of the IRGC entering Tehran’s streets?

Iran to unveil atomic battery and Rouhani deviates from government’s budget

The Iranian Role in Yemen and its Implications on the Regional Security

The Iranian Energy Sector: A Vague Future under the Nuclear Deal Agreement

Iranian warships to go to US coasts and Recommendations to increase Iran’s combat capability

Iran’s Latin Policies Post-Nuclear Deal Opportunities for restoring influence in a changing environment

Egyptian Policy toward Iran and the Challenges of Transition from Break Up to Normalization

Assad gives IRGC’s ‘Defenders of Shrine’ a permanent deployment in Syria

Why do the European and the American Positions contradict one another on JCPOA?

Iran and violence in the Gulf: An outlook on the realities and a plan for resolution

Ahmadinejad attacks Khamenei and Basij is Iran’s mainstay in the region

Mahmoud Seif; the main Suspect in the Counterfeiting Network of the Revolutionary Guards

Statism and Authoritarianism in Iran

Basiji test in other countries is successful!

The Water Crisis in Iran

Price of Bread Ruin Ordinary Citizens in Iran

Suleimani in Bukamal and Iran-France lost confidence