Iran’s Military Modernization Challenge Worsens With Russia-Ukraine War

Poverty Bites to the Bone; Raisi’s First Budget Draft: Feast for Military, Austerity for People

The Nineveh Plains Military Zones in Iran’s Regional Strategy

Britain, and America hold a military summit in Bahrain over the Strait of Hormuz; Shia clerics are beaten in Iran
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Budget Bill Submitted to Parliament and Military Tension in Gulf`s Water

Rasanah issues the “Military Institution between Revolution and Statehood” book

Iran’s oil market is a red line and Hopes for a cabinet reshuffle

Russian Economic Interests in Iran between Partnership and Sanctions

IRGC commander absent in Rouhani’s inauguration and Official ratification on drugs

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New Recruits Kill their Colleagues and the Society Looks for Alternatives to Military Draft

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A Workshop on the Iranian Military Institution in Riyadh

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Military Leader: Iran Sending Elite Fighters into U.S., Europe

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