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Improvement in Relations with Saudi Arabia Makes People on Qeshm Island Hopeful for Better Business; Women Resist Obligatory Hijab on Land and in the Air

Improvement in Relations with Saudi Arabia Makes People on Qeshm Island Hopeful for Better Business; Women Resist Obligatory Hijab on Land and in the Air

Restoring Relations With Saudi Arabia Prevented the Price of the Dollar From Skyrocketing; Workers Facing Dire Conditions Stage Protests While Khamenei Blames “the Enemy” for Deteriorating Economic Conditions

Restoring Relations With Saudi Arabia Prevented the Price of the Dollar From Skyrocketing; Workers Facing Dire Conditions Stage Protests While Khamenei Blames “the Enemy” for Deteriorating Economic Conditions

Friday Protests Against Iranian Regime Continue Unabated in Zahedan Province; Iranian Member of Parliament Jalal Mahmoudzadeh: Raisi Should Be Summoned to Parliament for Questions Over the Economy

Friday Protests Against Iranian Regime Continue Unabated in Zahedan Province; Iranian Member of Parliament Jalal Mahmoudzadeh: Raisi Should Be Summoned to Parliament for Questions Over the Economy

Amid Anti-government Protests, Tehran Says It Will Avenge Soleimani’s Killing

Amid Anti-government Protests, Tehran Says It Will Avenge Soleimani’s Killing

Iran and Azerbaijan Are Now More Than Frenemies

Iran and Azerbaijan Are Now More Than Frenemies

The Significance of the IRGC’s  New Drone Aircraft Carrier

The Significance of the IRGC’s  New Drone Aircraft Carrier

Khamenei’s Speech to the Basij Forces: Motives and Implications

Khamenei’s Speech to the Basij Forces: Motives and Implications

Khamenei: Iranian and Iraqi Protests to Block the Liberation of Jerusalem

Khamenei: Iranian and Iraqi Protests to Block the Liberation of Jerusalem

75 Percent of Iranians Will Participate in Protests; 300 Opponents of Compulsory Hijab Arrested; Iran Warns Europe Over Energy Crisis: Winter Is Approaching 

75 Percent of Iranians Will Participate in Protests; 300 Opponents of Compulsory Hijab Arrested; Iran Warns Europe Over Energy Crisis: Winter Is Approaching 

Khamenei Backs Raisi’s Government Despite Poor Performance; Wave of Emigration of IT Experts from Iran to UAE 

Khamenei Backs Raisi’s Government Despite Poor Performance; Wave of Emigration of IT Experts from Iran to UAE 

Mir-Hossein Mousavi Warns about Khamenei’s Son Becoming Next Supreme Leader; Holding Muharram Ceremonies Amid Seventh Wave of Coronavirus

Mir-Hossein Mousavi Warns about Khamenei’s Son Becoming Next Supreme Leader; Holding Muharram Ceremonies Amid Seventh Wave of Coronavirus

Khamenei’s Bellicose Tendencies in Iranian Foreign Policy

Khamenei’s Bellicose Tendencies in Iranian Foreign Policy

ByDr. Yahya Bouzidi
Khamenei’s Senior Advisor: Iran Has the Capacity to Build a Nuclear Bomb; Understanding With Russia Over “Biggest Foreign Investment in the History Of the Oil Industry”

Khamenei’s Senior Advisor: Iran Has the Capacity to Build a Nuclear Bomb; Understanding With Russia Over “Biggest Foreign Investment in the History Of the Oil Industry”

Khamenei’s Representative on Training Soldiers to Fearlessly Pull the Trigger; Value of National Currency Continues to Drop

Khamenei’s Representative on Training Soldiers to Fearlessly Pull the Trigger; Value of National Currency Continues to Drop

Khamenei’s New Year Message to Iranians: Do Not Expect High Prices, Inflation Rate to Decline Soon; US CENTCOM Commander Warns About Iranian Missile Program

Khamenei’s New Year Message to Iranians: Do Not Expect High Prices, Inflation Rate to Decline Soon; US CENTCOM Commander Warns About Iranian Missile Program

Khamenei: We Cannot Remain in a Defensive Position Forever; If Sanctions Lifted, We Will Be One of the Biggest Exporters of Arms, Says Senior Military Official

Khamenei: We Cannot Remain in a Defensive Position Forever; If Sanctions Lifted, We Will Be One of the Biggest Exporters of Arms, Says Senior Military Official

Khamenei Evades Responsibility, Blames Former Government for Grave Economic Conditions; EU, Human Rights Watch Call for Immediate, Unconditional Release of Narges Mohammadi

Khamenei Evades Responsibility, Blames Former Government for Grave Economic Conditions; EU, Human Rights Watch Call for Immediate, Unconditional Release of Narges Mohammadi

25-Year Cooperation Agreement With China Launched; Nepotism Runs Amok in Government

25-Year Cooperation Agreement With China Launched; Nepotism Runs Amok in Government

Vienna Nuclear Talks Resume, Tehran Needs Petro-Dollars Urgently; Iranian Agricultural Produce Returned, Poison for Neighbors, the Iranian People

Vienna Nuclear Talks Resume, Tehran Needs Petro-Dollars Urgently; Iranian Agricultural Produce Returned, Poison for Neighbors, the Iranian People

Khamenei: Encouraging Young Elites to Migrate from Iran Is “Treason;” International Call for Releasing Human Rights Activist Narges Mohammadi; Protests Against Water Scarcity Continue

Khamenei: Encouraging Young Elites to Migrate from Iran Is “Treason;” International Call for Releasing Human Rights Activist Narges Mohammadi; Protests Against Water Scarcity Continue

Newspaper’s License Revoked Over Depiction of Khamenei’s Hand; Warning About the Economy Reaching the “Most Dangerous Historical Point” in 40 Years; Dissident Journalist Exchanged With French Intelligence Officer

Newspaper’s License Revoked Over Depiction of Khamenei’s Hand; Warning About the Economy Reaching the “Most Dangerous Historical Point” in 40 Years; Dissident Journalist Exchanged With French Intelligence Officer

Khamenei Calls for Youths to Take Up Jihad in Cyberspace; VPN Servers Are Getting Blocked; 110,000 Additional Deaths in Past Six Months

Khamenei Calls for Youths to Take Up Jihad in Cyberspace; VPN Servers Are Getting Blocked; 110,000 Additional Deaths in Past Six Months

Amid Rising Economic Woes, Iran Joins SCO

Amid Rising Economic Woes, Iran Joins SCO

Those Dead From Coronavirus Are “Victims of Despotism and Officials’ Negligence;” Evin Prison Scandal Continues; Khamenei Admits People Don’t Trust the Establishment

Those Dead From Coronavirus Are “Victims of Despotism and Officials’ Negligence;” Evin Prison Scandal Continues; Khamenei Admits People Don’t Trust the Establishment

Khamenei Accuses FM Zarif of Repeating “Hostile Words of Enemies;” “I Do Not Vote” Campaign Launched to Boycott 2021 Presidential Elections

Khamenei Accuses FM Zarif of Repeating “Hostile Words of Enemies;” “I Do Not Vote” Campaign Launched to Boycott 2021 Presidential Elections

Khamenei’s Optimistic Nowruz Speech Covers Up Harsh Domestic Realities

Khamenei’s Optimistic Nowruz Speech Covers Up Harsh Domestic Realities

Former President Khatami: All Officials Should Apologize to the People; Khamenei On the Nuclear Deal: We Are in No Rush; Prisoners Protest Against Inhumane Conditions

Former President Khatami: All Officials Should Apologize to the People; Khamenei On the Nuclear Deal: We Are in No Rush; Prisoners Protest Against Inhumane Conditions

Khamenei Threatens With 60 Percent Uranium Enrichment; Jailed Dervish Dies in Custody

Khamenei Threatens With 60 Percent Uranium Enrichment; Jailed Dervish Dies in Custody

Khamenei: We Return to JCPOA Commitments Only if US Sanctions Are Lifted; Intelligence Minister: If Iran Moves Towards Making Nuclear Weapons, Others Are to Blame; Ghalibaf Goes to Russia, Snubbed by Putin

Khamenei: We Return to JCPOA Commitments Only if US Sanctions Are Lifted; Intelligence Minister: If Iran Moves Towards Making Nuclear Weapons, Others Are to Blame; Ghalibaf Goes to Russia, Snubbed by Putin

Khamenei Bans Coronavirus Vaccines From the US and UK; Rafsanjani’s Daughter Wishes Trump Had Won the US Presidency for Iran’s Sake

Khamenei Bans Coronavirus Vaccines From the US and UK; Rafsanjani’s Daughter Wishes Trump Had Won the US Presidency for Iran’s Sake

Khamenei’s Reaction to Biden’s Victory: One Cannot Count on Their Words; Former IRGC Sardar to Run for Presidency

Khamenei’s Reaction to Biden’s Victory: One Cannot Count on Their Words; Former IRGC Sardar to Run for Presidency

Khamenei: It Makes No Difference Who Becomes President in America; Less Than 50% of Iranians Trust Their Government, Says Poll

Khamenei: It Makes No Difference Who Becomes President in America; Less Than 50% of Iranians Trust Their Government, Says Poll

“Reformist” Activists Warn About the Possible Eruption of Protests; Khamenei Defends Rouhani Against Harsh Criticism

“Reformist” Activists Warn About the Possible Eruption of Protests; Khamenei Defends Rouhani Against Harsh Criticism

‘Under the Leader’s Cloak: How Khamenei’s Office Operates’ New Book From Rasanah

‘Under the Leader’s Cloak: How Khamenei’s Office Operates’ New Book From Rasanah

Khamenei Reacts to UAE Normalizing Relations With Israel; Clashes Between Police and Village Residents  Near Ahvaz Over Land

Khamenei Reacts to UAE Normalizing Relations With Israel; Clashes Between Police and Village Residents Near Ahvaz Over Land

Khamenei’s Personal Physician Asks Rouhani to Reopen Shrines and Mosques; 75 Percent of Healthcare Workers Concerned About Lack of PPE

Khamenei’s Personal Physician Asks Rouhani to Reopen Shrines and Mosques; 75 Percent of Healthcare Workers Concerned About Lack of PPE

Khamenei Finally Approves Funding to Fight the Coronavirus Disease; Parliament Research Center Warns about Unemployment and Unrest Due to the Virus

Khamenei Finally Approves Funding to Fight the Coronavirus Disease; Parliament Research Center Warns about Unemployment and Unrest Due to the Virus

Khamenei is Responsible for Turning COVID-19 Into a National Catastrophe, say Activists; Producing new Centrifuges During the Coronavirus Crisis

Khamenei is Responsible for Turning COVID-19 Into a National Catastrophe, say Activists; Producing new Centrifuges During the Coronavirus Crisis

Khamenei’s Fabrications Endanger Iranian Lives, Says Pompeo; Rouhani’s “Illusion of a Conspiracy” About COVID-19, Says an Iranian Legislator

Khamenei’s Fabrications Endanger Iranian Lives, Says Pompeo; Rouhani’s “Illusion of a Conspiracy” About COVID-19, Says an Iranian Legislator

Zarif threatens Iran Will Pull out of the NPT; Economic Institutions Under Khamenei to Enter the Stock Market

Zarif threatens Iran Will Pull out of the NPT; Economic Institutions Under Khamenei to Enter the Stock Market

Karroubi: Khamenei is not Qualified for Leadership;  Reza Pahlavi: Downing the Passenger Plane is a Crime Against Humanity

Karroubi: Khamenei is not Qualified for Leadership; Reza Pahlavi: Downing the Passenger Plane is a Crime Against Humanity

The Post Sistani and Khamenei Period

The Post Sistani and Khamenei Period

ByMohammad Al-Sayyad
Iran takes Further Steps in Breaching the Nuclear Deal; the US Puts Sanctions on Khamenei’s Son

Iran takes Further Steps in Breaching the Nuclear Deal; the US Puts Sanctions on Khamenei’s Son

Khamenei’s Emphasis on Boosting the IRGC’s Military and Intelligence Activities; Students Hold a Protest Assembly in the Presence of Rouhani

Khamenei’s Emphasis on Boosting the IRGC’s Military and Intelligence Activities; Students Hold a Protest Assembly in the Presence of Rouhani

Iran’s Fingerprints Are Visible in the Suppression of Iraq’s Protests

Iran’s Fingerprints Are Visible in the Suppression of Iraq’s Protests
