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Tehran Officially Joins the SCO; Mahabad MP: Government Looks People in the Eye and Lies to Them

Tehran Officially Joins the SCO; Mahabad MP: Government Looks People in the Eye and Lies to Them

Talks With Saudi Arabia and the UAE for Cooperation in Special Economic Zones; Tehran Remains on FATF Blacklist

Talks With Saudi Arabia and the UAE for Cooperation in Special Economic Zones; Tehran Remains on FATF Blacklist

Confirmation of “Indirect” Negotiations With US in Oman; Molavi Abdul-Hamid Reacts to IRGC Hypersonic Missile: Instead of Weapons, Alleviate People’s Hunger

Confirmation of “Indirect” Negotiations With US in Oman; Molavi Abdul-Hamid Reacts to IRGC Hypersonic Missile: Instead of Weapons, Alleviate People’s Hunger

Restoring Relations With Saudi Arabia Prevented the Price of the Dollar From Skyrocketing; Workers Facing Dire Conditions Stage Protests While Khamenei Blames “the Enemy” for Deteriorating Economic Conditions

Restoring Relations With Saudi Arabia Prevented the Price of the Dollar From Skyrocketing; Workers Facing Dire Conditions Stage Protests While Khamenei Blames “the Enemy” for Deteriorating Economic Conditions

Trade With Saudi Arabia Has Started Says Minister; Another Woman Killed Over Hijab in Kerman

Trade With Saudi Arabia Has Started Says Minister; Another Woman Killed Over Hijab in Kerman

New Round of Physical Confrontations With Women Over Hijab; Lawmaker: Medical Conditions to Get Worse This Year

New Round of Physical Confrontations With Women Over Hijab; Lawmaker: Medical Conditions to Get Worse This Year

Friday Protests Against Iranian Regime Continue Unabated in Zahedan Province; Iranian Member of Parliament Jalal Mahmoudzadeh: Raisi Should Be Summoned to Parliament for Questions Over the Economy

Friday Protests Against Iranian Regime Continue Unabated in Zahedan Province; Iranian Member of Parliament Jalal Mahmoudzadeh: Raisi Should Be Summoned to Parliament for Questions Over the Economy

Images of Jailed Activist on Hunger Strike Shocks the World; GAMAAN’s Poll: More Than 80 Percent of People Say “No” to the Iranian Republic

Images of Jailed Activist on Hunger Strike Shocks the World; GAMAAN’s Poll: More Than 80 Percent of People Say “No” to the Iranian Republic

Amid Anti-government Protests, Tehran Says It Will Avenge Soleimani’s Killing

Amid Anti-government Protests, Tehran Says It Will Avenge Soleimani’s Killing

Iran and Azerbaijan Are Now More Than Frenemies

Iran and Azerbaijan Are Now More Than Frenemies

The Significance of the IRGC’s  New Drone Aircraft Carrier

The Significance of the IRGC’s  New Drone Aircraft Carrier

Security Confrontation with Urmia University Students; IRGC Official Lambasts “Elites’ Silence” About Popular Protests

Security Confrontation with Urmia University Students; IRGC Official Lambasts “Elites’ Silence” About Popular Protests

Strikes, Protests in Tens of Cities on Anniversary of November 2019; Iranian Activist at Risk of Death in Prison After Hunger Strike

Strikes, Protests in Tens of Cities on Anniversary of November 2019; Iranian Activist at Risk of Death in Prison After Hunger Strike

Molavi Abdul Hamid Calls for Referendum in Iran; 227 Lawmakers Call for Executing Protesters

Molavi Abdul Hamid Calls for Referendum in Iran; 227 Lawmakers Call for Executing Protesters

Severe Crackdown on City of Sanandaj; Oil Workers in Abadan Launch Strike; Security Forces Attack Schools

Severe Crackdown on City of Sanandaj; Oil Workers in Abadan Launch Strike; Security Forces Attack Schools

New Revenue for Government: Cash Fine for Women With “Bad Hijab;” Several Days of Water Shortages in City of Shahrekord: Protesters Chanted Slogans Against Raisi 

New Revenue for Government: Cash Fine for Women With “Bad Hijab;” Several Days of Water Shortages in City of Shahrekord: Protesters Chanted Slogans Against Raisi 

Mir-Hossein Mousavi Warns about Khamenei’s Son Becoming Next Supreme Leader; Holding Muharram Ceremonies Amid Seventh Wave of Coronavirus

Mir-Hossein Mousavi Warns about Khamenei’s Son Becoming Next Supreme Leader; Holding Muharram Ceremonies Amid Seventh Wave of Coronavirus

Telegram Channel Close to IRGC Intelligence Office on Top-Secret Project for Nuclear Bomb; Eight Workers Self-Immolate in Less than 70 Days

Telegram Channel Close to IRGC Intelligence Office on Top-Secret Project for Nuclear Bomb; Eight Workers Self-Immolate in Less than 70 Days

IRGC’s Media Paving Ground for Iranian Intervention in War Against Ukraine; Statistical Center: Inflation of Food Items Reaches 90 Percent

IRGC’s Media Paving Ground for Iranian Intervention in War Against Ukraine; Statistical Center: Inflation of Food Items Reaches 90 Percent

Khamenei’s Senior Advisor: Iran Has the Capacity to Build a Nuclear Bomb; Understanding With Russia Over “Biggest Foreign Investment in the History Of the Oil Industry”

Khamenei’s Senior Advisor: Iran Has the Capacity to Build a Nuclear Bomb; Understanding With Russia Over “Biggest Foreign Investment in the History Of the Oil Industry”

Khamenei’s Representative on Training Soldiers to Fearlessly Pull the Trigger; Value of National Currency Continues to Drop

Khamenei’s Representative on Training Soldiers to Fearlessly Pull the Trigger; Value of National Currency Continues to Drop

Steel Industry Hacked, Disrupted; Iran Tests Satellite Carrier Missile, Zuljanah; Faezeh Hashemi: Our Enemy Is Right Here!

Steel Industry Hacked, Disrupted; Iran Tests Satellite Carrier Missile, Zuljanah; Faezeh Hashemi: Our Enemy Is Right Here!

Rationing Bread in Tehran; Water Crisis in Khuzestan 

Rationing Bread in Tehran; Water Crisis in Khuzestan 

Reza Pahlavi: The Iranian Nation Represents the Opposition, Alternative to the ‘Islamic Republic;’ Khamenei Reacts to Popular Protests: Enemies Hope Popular Protests Damage the Country

Reza Pahlavi: The Iranian Nation Represents the Opposition, Alternative to the ‘Islamic Republic;’ Khamenei Reacts to Popular Protests: Enemies Hope Popular Protests Damage the Country

Protests in Abadan Continue Under Teargas, Beatings, Arrests; 100 Filmmakers Call for Military to Put Guns Down; Amid Tensions with Israel, Iran Releases Images of “Fully Secret” Drone Base

Protests in Abadan Continue Under Teargas, Beatings, Arrests; 100 Filmmakers Call for Military to Put Guns Down; Amid Tensions with Israel, Iran Releases Images of “Fully Secret” Drone Base

 IRGC Colonel Assassinated in Tehran; Metropol Tower Collapses in Abadan, Many Killed

 IRGC Colonel Assassinated in Tehran; Metropol Tower Collapses in Abadan, Many Killed

Tehran IRGC Commander: Sanctioning IRGC Means Sanctioning the Iranian Nation; No Buyer for Millions of Doses of Iranian Vaccines

Tehran IRGC Commander: Sanctioning IRGC Means Sanctioning the Iranian Nation; No Buyer for Millions of Doses of Iranian Vaccines

Faezeh Hashemi: Lifting US Sanctions on IRGC Not in National Interests; Severe Criticism in the Parliament Against High Prices; Ghalibaf Blames Previous Governments

Faezeh Hashemi: Lifting US Sanctions on IRGC Not in National Interests; Severe Criticism in the Parliament Against High Prices; Ghalibaf Blames Previous Governments

Poll: Majority of Iranians Call for Changing the “Islamic Republic Regime;” Iranian Women Filmmakers Denounce Violence and Sexual Harassment

Poll: Majority of Iranians Call for Changing the “Islamic Republic Regime;” Iranian Women Filmmakers Denounce Violence and Sexual Harassment

Khamenei’s New Year Message to Iranians: Do Not Expect High Prices, Inflation Rate to Decline Soon; US CENTCOM Commander Warns About Iranian Missile Program

Khamenei’s New Year Message to Iranians: Do Not Expect High Prices, Inflation Rate to Decline Soon; US CENTCOM Commander Warns About Iranian Missile Program

Nine Civil Organizations Call for Not Lifting Humanitarian Sanctions Against Iran; Deliberate Slowing Down of the Internet in Iran

Nine Civil Organizations Call for Not Lifting Humanitarian Sanctions Against Iran; Deliberate Slowing Down of the Internet in Iran

Khamenei Evades Responsibility, Blames Former Government for Grave Economic Conditions; EU, Human Rights Watch Call for Immediate, Unconditional Release of Narges Mohammadi

Khamenei Evades Responsibility, Blames Former Government for Grave Economic Conditions; EU, Human Rights Watch Call for Immediate, Unconditional Release of Narges Mohammadi

Ukrainian Flight Downed as Human Shield to Be Blamed on America, Say Victims’ Family; Jailed Writer Died of COVID-19, Writers’ Association Blames Iranian Government

Ukrainian Flight Downed as Human Shield to Be Blamed on America, Say Victims’ Family; Jailed Writer Died of COVID-19, Writers’ Association Blames Iranian Government

$107 Million Awarded in Compensation to Six Families of the Victims of the Downed Ukrainian Flight; More Revelations About the IRGC’s Influence Over Foreign Policy

$107 Million Awarded in Compensation to Six Families of the Victims of the Downed Ukrainian Flight; More Revelations About the IRGC’s Influence Over Foreign Policy

Kurdish Political Prisoner Secretly Executed; IRGC Holds Military Drill in the Gulf While Israelis Talk of Iran’s Weak Position in the Nuclear Talks

Kurdish Political Prisoner Secretly Executed; IRGC Holds Military Drill in the Gulf While Israelis Talk of Iran’s Weak Position in the Nuclear Talks

Poverty Bites to the Bone; Raisi’s First Budget Draft: Feast for Military, Austerity for People

Poverty Bites to the Bone; Raisi’s First Budget Draft: Feast for Military, Austerity for People

Khamenei: Encouraging Young Elites to Migrate from Iran Is “Treason;” International Call for Releasing Human Rights Activist Narges Mohammadi; Protests Against Water Scarcity Continue

Khamenei: Encouraging Young Elites to Migrate from Iran Is “Treason;” International Call for Releasing Human Rights Activist Narges Mohammadi; Protests Against Water Scarcity Continue

Lawmaker Reacts to Iran Atrocities Tribunal: “We Killed People, Who Wants to Put Us on Trial?” Iran, Turkey Agree to Roadmap for Long-Term Comprehensive Cooperation

Lawmaker Reacts to Iran Atrocities Tribunal: “We Killed People, Who Wants to Put Us on Trial?” Iran, Turkey Agree to Roadmap for Long-Term Comprehensive Cooperation

Population Below the Poverty Line Doubles in Three Years; Widespread Torture, Rape in Secret Detention Centers; Reza Pahlavi: Iran Fears Cyrus the Great’s Name and Legacy

Population Below the Poverty Line Doubles in Three Years; Widespread Torture, Rape in Secret Detention Centers; Reza Pahlavi: Iran Fears Cyrus the Great’s Name and Legacy

Cyberattack Against Several Gas Stations; Iranian Households Below “Housing Poverty” Line; 77 Percent of Iranian Women Experienced Violence During the Pandemic

Cyberattack Against Several Gas Stations; Iranian Households Below “Housing Poverty” Line; 77 Percent of Iranian Women Experienced Violence During the Pandemic

Trial for 1988 Executions: Victims Buried in Mass Graves; Lawyer Tortured in IRGC Detention Center

Trial for 1988 Executions: Victims Buried in Mass Graves; Lawyer Tortured in IRGC Detention Center

20 Percent Uranium Stockpile Over 120 Kilograms; Alarming Increase in Malnutrition Threatens Children; 30 Security Forces Used to Arrest Civil Activist

20 Percent Uranium Stockpile Over 120 Kilograms; Alarming Increase in Malnutrition Threatens Children; 30 Security Forces Used to Arrest Civil Activist

Khamenei Calls for Youths to Take Up Jihad in Cyberspace; VPN Servers Are Getting Blocked; 110,000 Additional Deaths in Past Six Months

Khamenei Calls for Youths to Take Up Jihad in Cyberspace; VPN Servers Are Getting Blocked; 110,000 Additional Deaths in Past Six Months

Amid Rising Economic Woes, Iran Joins SCO

Amid Rising Economic Woes, Iran Joins SCO

400 Iranian-Americans Urge Biden to Condemn Ebrahim Raisi For Crimes Against Humanity; The Women’s Ward at Bushehr Prison: “This Is the End of the World!”

400 Iranian-Americans Urge Biden to Condemn Ebrahim Raisi For Crimes Against Humanity; The Women’s Ward at Bushehr Prison: “This Is the End of the World!”
